Every bite of produce from Zinniker Farm is a testament to the power of community and sustainable agriculture.
We produce the highest quality biodynamic meat (beef, pork, chicken), eggs, honey and a very small selection of vegetables. Our non-food items are our hand-crafted soaps and biodyamic preparations.
A limited selection of products can can be ordered below.
To secure access to all of these products click here to become a member today. Thank you for supporting our farm!
Our soaps are handcrafted without chemicals. They are very gentle on the skin, a delight for the senses, and extremely long-lasting. Our signature blend of saponified oils of olive, palm (sustainably harvested) and coconut (organic) deliver a bar that is hard enough to not melt in your hands yet produces a satisfying lather.
Our herd has access to the outdoors year-round and is 100% grassfed on pasture during the season and with hay in the winter. The animals have been living and breeding on our farm for decades and are well adjusted tot he local environment. No hormones, no drugs, no GMO, no pesticide.
For the largest selection:
Our pigs are raised outdoors where they enjoy a wholesome, diverse diet of organic grain, vegetables, and raw milk from the farm. No hormones or antibiotics are used in raising these pigs. They are allowed to move around freely, graze and forage in the soil, and nap in the sunshine.
Meat chickens
Our broilers are raised form May to October. They are started as day old chicks under the brooder for three weeks and are then moved to pasture. Daily fresh pasture and our own grain mix is all they need. Processing is done on-farm.
Soup chicken
At the end of our chicken’s laying cycle, they are processed into soup chickens and make a most wonderfully healthy chicken stock. Soup chickens are from our laying flock that lives at the farm year-round but are processed only in the Summer and on the farm.
Our eggs are truly free-range. The chickens have daily and year-round access to grass and pasture, with the freedom to forage or bugs and worms in the farmyard and the fields. We grind and mix our own feed, grown on the farm, which allows us to offer our chickens a much wider variety of nutrients.
Our honey is harvested in late summer and is left in its natural, raw state with all the nutrients and enzymes intact. After harvest, the honey will change its color and consistency as it crystallizes and thickens naturally. The honey will be easily spreadable if kept at room temperature.