Our Biodynamic Preparations
The Zinniker Family has been making biodynamic preparations since the 1960s.
Biodynamic farming practices were first introduced by Austrian scientist and philosopher Rudolf Steiner in 1924. The use of chemicals and other industrial farming methods were rising in popularity during that time. A group of concerned farmers, who even then stated to see the negative effects of this development, turned to Steiner for advice. He presented them with this holistic and sustainable view of agriculture in a series of lectures in 1924. Steiner's work is even more valuable today than it was nearly a century ago, given the dominance of factory farming and the depleted, often poisoned soil that results from it.
Biodynamic Agriculture is an extremely effective and environmentally supportive system of farming that the Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association describes as a spiritual-ethical-ecological approach to agriculture, food production, and nutrition.
Why Biodynamic Preparations
Created according to directions given by Rudolf Steiner during his Agriculture Course in 1924, these preparations are made out of the mineral, plant, and animal materials combined in ways that are specific to the individual preparation. These preparations help to strengthen the earth's subtle life forces that are continuously waning; they are beneficial for all types of agricultural situations, from an urban backyard garden to a farm of several thousand acres.
Steiner described the farm as an organism that man needs to properly care for and direct. The soil is the key element of the health and vitality of the plants, animals, and people that make up the farm organism.
Such a farm organism encompasses not only the fields, crops, and livestock for production, but also hedgerows, tree-lines, woods, water (creeks, ponds, waterways, wetland areas), wildlife, and the climate the farm organism is located in. Each one of these components or 'organs' depends on the others to be healthy in order to reach its own full potential. The farmer's role is to set direction, harmonize, and keep balance.
Manure from grazing animals and compost is the only fertilizer used to create healthy soils that produce healthy food for animals and people and maintain a healthy environment. Livestock plays a critical role in soil fertility and the number and types of livestock on the farm need to correlate carefully with the acreage available in order to keep balance.
In the Spring and Fall of each year, we invite the community to gather on our farm to participate in our hands-on Prep-making Days.
Some are mixed in water and used as a spray, others are applied directly to compost. Guidelines for use are included with each order.
Our Biodynamic Preparations are available year round for pick up at Zinniker Farm or can be shipped to your address. Some are mixed in water and used as a spray, others are applied directly to compost. Guidelines for use are included with each order. Shipping available (USA only).
Please fill out this form to order Biodynamic Preparations. Please allow 1-2 business days for your order to be ready. We will email you an invoice with a pickup notice when your order is ready for pickup. Orders can be picked up from the farm or can be shipped to your address provided below. Orders ship after payment has been received.
Payment is due at the time of pickup, for shipped orders we will send you a payment link. We accept cash, check, Zelle (zinnikerfarm@gmail.com), credit card, or Cash App pay (a 4% processing fee credit card and Cash App Pay will be added to your order).
Thank you for supporting our farm.